Understanding the Difference between Traditional Braces and Clear Braces

When it comes to improving your smile, orthodontic treatment is often necessary. Traditional braces have long been the go-to option for correcting misaligned teeth and achieving a straighter smile. However, advancements in dental technology have introduced clear braces as an alternative option. This post will explore the difference between traditional braces and clear braces, helping you make an informed decision with the help of your dentist. Traditional Braces: Tried and True

Should You Visit a Dentist With a Sore Tooth?

The experience of a sore tooth is not uncommon. This discomfort may be the result of various factors, such as cavities, gum disease, a cracked tooth or an abscess. However, the question that often arises is whether or not it is necessary to seek the professional help of a dentist in such a predicament. Firstly, it should be understood that teeth are not supposed to cause discomfort. When pain is experienced, it is usually an indication that something is amiss.

Two strategies a dentist might employ to help their patients who have a fear of dental treatments

Here are a couple of strategies a dentist might employ to help a patient who has a fear of undergoing dental treatments. They might offer them sedation prior to their treatments If a patient urgently needs a particular dental treatment but has been postponing it because of their dental fears, their dentist might recommend that they be sedated for this treatment. Most dentists can offer patients several forms of sedation, depending on their level of anxiety and overall health.

Four Things Your Dentist Looks For When Considering Braces Treatment

Braces are the most common treatment for correcting crooked teeth, spaces, and gaps in the smile. But not everyone is a good candidate for braces. Your dentist will evaluate your mouth and look for certain conditions before deciding if you’re a good candidate for braces. Your dentist will also discuss with you how long it might take to see results from this type of treatment and what you can expect before getting your braces on.

5 Causes of Tooth Decay Everyone Should Know About

Dental decay is the result of bacteria breaking down the enamel on your teeth. There are a few factors that can contribute to dental decay. This blog post takes a look at five common causes of dental decay so you can make sure to avoid them.  Sugary Foods and Beverages Sugary treats are tempting for everyone, but it’s important to be aware of the consequences. Eating too much sugar from sweetened foods and drinks can increase your chances of cavities and gum disease substantially.

Are You Someone Who Never Flosses Their Teeth?

How often do you floss between your teeth? The answer can range from flossing each day (perhaps even more than once) to never flossing. If your flossing habits are of the never variety, it’s time to make this critical part of your oral hygiene a daily habit. Chances are your dentist has been reminding you about the importance of flossing during your regular checkups. A Little Blood You might have given up on flossing due to the results, namely blood.