Are You Someone Who Never Flosses Their Teeth?

How often do you floss between your teeth? The answer can range from flossing each day (perhaps even more than once) to never flossing. If your flossing habits are of the never variety, it's time to make this critical part of your oral hygiene a daily habit. Chances are your dentist has been reminding you about the importance of flossing during your regular checkups.

A Little Blood

You might have given up on flossing due to the results, namely blood. Yes, flossing between your teeth can cause bleeding—sometimes a considerable amount too. Thin, string-like dental floss may lacerate your gums, but if you had continued, your technique would have improved, and your gums would have toughened. Don't let a little blood discourage you because it's only going to be a temporary problem.

Difficult to Use

You could also find using traditional dental floss difficult since it's difficult to precisely control the movement of the floss between your teeth. Wider dental floss (a thin strip instead of a piece of string) can feel easier to use since the strip has softer edges. It doesn't matter so much if your movements aren't precise, because your teeth will be flossed without lacerating your gums.

Floss Picks

You don't technically need to use traditional floss at all. A floss pick is a small length of floss (just a couple of centimetres) strung between two ends of a curved plastic frame. You can grip the plastic and use it to better control the movement of the pick's floss between your teeth. The attached floss is usually of the tape variety and has a little lag to it, so it won't slice into your gums.

Interdental Brushes

An interdental brush is a great non-floss method. This is a tiny brush attached to a small plastic handle. It actually resembles a miniature toilet brush. Gripping the handle between your thumb and forefinger, you move the brush head between your teeth. 

Water Flossers

And then there's the water option. A water flosser shoots a concentrated jet of water which you aim in the gaps between your teeth. The force of the water dislodges any trapped food debris in a similar manner to flossing but without making contact with your gums. 

Don't let a small amount of blood stop you from cleaning between your teeth. There will be less blood each time, and your oral hygiene will become a whole lot more efficient once you start to floss each day. Your teeth will be healthier, and your dentist will be happier.

Contact your dentist to learn more. 
