Pain Management for Problematic Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom tooth pain won't affect everyone. But for those who do experience it, it can feel severe and distressing. If you're having major issues with your wisdom teeth, you may need to see an emergency dentist. Until that time comes, it can help to try some pain management techniques.

Rinsing With Salt Water

Rinsing with salt water may seem like an old-fashioned approach, but it's one that's effective. First, it promotes healthy gums and can kill off bacteria that are affecting the wisdom tooth growth site. Second, the presence of salt in your mouth will draw some of the fluid away from your wisdom tooth. By drawing away that fluid, you can reduce swelling and the pain that comes with it.

Clove Oil

Clove oil and cloves have a natural numbing effect. Some people prefer to bite on a few gloves at the site of their pain until it diminishes. Others like to create a compress using a small dressing or cotton wool dipped in clove oil. You may experience a hot sensation at first, but after a few minutes, you should enjoy the benefits of numbing.

Aloe Vera

As one of nature's strongest anti-inflammatories, aloe vera is used to treat everything ranging from sunburn to tooth pain. If you can find an aloe vera gel that's safe to use in your mouth, you can use it throughout the day to ease your pain as your wisdom teeth push through. Apply a small amount to the affected area and wait for your pain to subside.


Over-the-counter analgesics can reduce inflammation and target pain. Ibuprofen and aspirin have particularly powerful anti-inflammatory properties. They target the chemical reactions in your body that cause inflammation, which then reduces your pain. Paracetamol blocks the chemical messengers in your brain instead. If you speak to an emergency dentist, ask them for their advice on rotating between paracetamol and ibuprofen for maximum pain relief.


Of course, your wisdom tooth problems won't go away until it either grows through or you have it removed. Signs that you require wisdom teeth removal include severe pain, pus at the site, swelling, and a fever. When these occur, you need to speak with an emergency dentist. Your dentist may not remove your teeth immediately. However, if there are signs of an infection, they can give you antibiotics to clear it until they're ready to perform the removal. By following their aftercare advice, you can make sure that the pain disappears altogether.
