How to Reduce Anxiety Over a Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are arguably the best type of teeth replacement, but many people feel unable to get them because of anxiety over the procedure that is required to fit them. If you have a medical or dental phobia, you don't have to worry. Here are some tips to help you better understand the dental implant procedure.

1. Keep Your Mind on the Long-Term Goal

The biggest advantage of dental implants is their permanence. Once they have been fitted, they usually need very little maintenance. Even if you crack one of the crowns, your dentist can easily replace it while leaving the main support of the dental implant untouched in the gum.

In contrast, other teeth replacement options, such as dentures, require relatively frequent attention from a dentist to maintain their fit and function. Denture wearers have to undergo frequent denture relining, adjustment, and replacement procedures, whereas those with dental implants can get on with their lives as if they still had their original teeth.

2. Learn How to Prevent Complications

Complications after a dental implant procedure are rare, but if you are naturally an anxious person then it is easy to fixate on this small risk. Instead of worrying, why not devote your attention to doing everything you can to reduce the risk of complications occurring? That means quitting smoking, not drinking alcohol while your gums are still healing, and following the instructions of your dentist or oral surgeon for keeping the dental implants clean. If you follow all of these steps, then the chance of developing a complication is extremely tiny.

3. Ask About Sedation Options

Oral surgeons offer a range of sedation options to help patients stay calm and pain-free during a dental implant procedure. You could choose to have IV sedation, which puts you into a sleepy and unaware state during which time seems to pass very quickly. Many people find that IV sedation is the most comfortable option if they are getting multiple dental implant posts fitted, as the procedure can be quite lengthy.

On the other hand, if it is the idea of being out of control during the procedure that bothers you, another option is to stay awake but use a local anaesthetic to avoid pain and nitrous oxide as needed to help you relax. Talk to your oral surgeon about the sedation options they have available so that you can work out which one is the best option for you.
